Discover Your Selling Super Power

Every entrepreneur should learn how to sell!

Come on board for a 4-week journey to turn your sales aversion into a superpower! We’ll guide you from being lost to confidently stumbling through prospecting calls. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was your business. The exercises in this book will help you break through mental roadblocks, uncover your weaknesses, and get you on the path to finding the clients you’ve always dreamed of.

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Week 1

Crushing Your Limiting Beliefs

We get detailed on who you are so you can be successful.

Week 2

Networking – Beast Mode Addition

Gain confidence at networking events.

Week 3

Prospecting – Where’s my money?

Figure out where your money is and go get it!

Week 4

Unleashing Your Super Power

Go out there, get your money and be great!